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Providence Rhode Island
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4.01 out of 5 stars
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Providence is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Rhode Island and is one of the oldest cities in the United States. It was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams, a religious exile from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He named the area in honor of "God's merciful Providence" which he believed was responsible for revealing such a haven for him and his followers to settle. The city is situated at the mouth of the Providence River at the head of Narragansett Bay. Providence was one of the first cities in the country to industrialize and became noted for its textile manufacturing and subsequent machine tool, jewelry, and silverware industries. Today, the city of Providence is home to eight hospitals and seven institutions of higher learning which have shifted the city's economy into service industries, though it still retains some manufacturing activity. The city was once nicknamed the "Beehive of Industry"; it began rebranding itself as the "Creative Capital" in 2009 to emphasize its educational resources and arts community. The city is the third most populous city in New England after Boston and Worcester, Massachusetts.

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This city is quickly becoming the most RIdiculous city in the nation. The crazy taxes, including a much-hated car tax: the "speed cameras" that have issued over 17,000 tickets within 2 months at a charge of $95 each: the increasing gang violence: the mayor that turns a deaf ear to requests for more adequate police protection: the state of the (crumbling) bridges and road ... And that's just the beginning! You need to practically be fluent in Spanish as your first language in order to deal with anyone at City Hall, and the hours City Hall departments are available to residents require you to take a 1/2 day off from work if you want to get anything done. Downtown has become a crazy maze of lines drawn on all the roads and no one can make heads or tails where it's acceptable to park or bike. The mayor forced the residents to accept parking meters in semi-residential neighborhoods as a money-grab two years ago and refuses to address residents' ongoing concerns. A major hospital recently closed, with a second slated to close shortly. Three fire houses in one neighborhood were closed down last year, putting increased pressure on the remaining fire stations, as well as residents living on the remaining routes than now have to put up with a huge increase in the number of runs down their streets. Schools are falling down: they are a major safety hazard. Student and teacher performance is well-below expectations and nothing positive is being proposed to change that. Streets that used to be safe to walk on after dark no longer are. Community parks have been infiltrated with sex workers and drug dealers. Property values still have not rebounded. Insurance rates keep inching upwards due to increased crime. Corruption continues unabated. Rarely a month goes by that another elected official is being charged and or convicted of a major crime. You really do have to "know somebody" in order to get anything done - - - like sidewalk repairs that have a 10 year waiting list.

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difficult city for older peoplke to find part time jobs AND affordable breaks on education as a SENIOR either pay full price

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