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Framingham Massachusetts
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4.13 out of 5 stars
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Framingham is a city in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the United States. Incorporated in 1700, it is located within Middlesex County and the MetroWest subregion of the Greater Boston metropolitan area. The Council on Aging assists older adults to remain independent at home for as long as possible, while providing for choices and opportunities. This includes identifying unmet needs and developing and implementing programs and services that help to meet those needs.

Additional Services Offered: AARP tax preparation, Information and referrals, Guidance for family members of elders, Medical equipment to borrow free of charge, Serving the Health Information needs of Everyone on Medicare (SHINE), Serving the Health Information needs of Everyone on Medicare (SHINE), and many more!

Framingham is an emerging age friendly community. This means it is pursuing an age friendly designation.

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reviews (58)

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I have a mixed opinion about this topic. I Livona middle-class community where there are elderly people as scattered as many as there are children. I live in Saxonville which is a historical community and there are many places were people come to visit and learn about the communities history. Because of this there are benches and park strategically placed around every corner in Saxonville which makes it nice for the elderly people to have a place to sit and rest pretty frequently around every corner. However, on the flipside there are potholes everywhere and gaps in the sidewalk in the street where in elderly person could slip or child could slip someone on a bicycle or a little child first learning to walk there are so many dangers around every corner as many as there are benches for people to rest. I feel like there could be a lot of adjustments made to this neighborhood to make it more friendly for the elderly and the young.

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There are many facilities for all ages., children, youth and seniors.

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Fairly age-friendly. There is a senior center down the street from where I live. My landlord herself is a senior, and there are grab bars in the shower. There are transportation arrangements to help seniors with mobility problems from the local Regional Transit Authority, paratransit, and other organizations/services.

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Most people keep to themselves but we help each other out when needed, i.e. snow removal, yard clean up, help with pet care, etc. Most of us don't socialize together.

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There are some 55-plus active housing units being built and the Senior Center is a nice service for the community. It seems like it is a good place to be.

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