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Dear Mayor: Reinvent the Neighborhood

If you had a magic wand and could make your city, town, or neighborhood desirable, productive, resilient, transcendent, what would it look like and how would it feel? What is a good place for children, for work, for shopping, for health, for fun, for aging?


NORCs: The Funny-Sounding Future of Successful Aging

You could live in a NORC and not even know it. So what are these organizations that help the 60+ live longer, healthier, and less expensively? And how could they be the future of aging in place?


Is It Possible To Retire Too Early?

The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement is gaining steam as more and more 30-and 40-somethings who have lived frugally and saved are able to leave the workforce. But is there such a thing as retiring TOO early?

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Aging 2.0 Conference in Boston Paints Challenging Picture for Baby Boomers

Hundreds of aging professionals, academics, medical providers, journalists and government leaders met at the Seaport Hotel on October 23rd to discuss the future of aging in Massachusetts. The takeaways were remarkable.


1 in 4 Americans Say They'll Never Retire

Recent poll results show that 1 in 4 Americans plan on never retiring. Some view it optimistically as older adults finding purpose in work, others as a growing sign of desperation among older workers. Where does the truth lie?


Finding Your Travel Inspiration

Social media is inspiring travelers to new, and favorite, destinations around the world. Among the millions of photos posted each day on Instagram there are wonderful travel photos, which can spark your wanderlust!


The Key To Happiness in Your 50s and Beyond

Research shows that for most Americans, personal happiness levels naturally decline in your 40s and 50s before rising again in your 60s and 70s. But is there a way to ensure that your happiness stays with you through that trough?


Want To Make Aging Easier In Your Community? Here’s How.

Do you know how towns are becoming more age friendly? This video from the Berkshires in Massachusetts can give you ideas as how to kick start your community’s age friendly initiatives.


Choosing to Live Abroad in Retirement

The American Dream of retirement can look very different than it did even 15 years ago. After all, why move to Florida when you can go farther south for even more inexpensive living? We've gathered 10 resources that can help you determine how—and if—you should live abroad during retirement.


Rock and Roll Never Gets Old

Rock and Roll never gets old—and you can tell because of the upcoming concert season. Some of the hottest tickets of the summer, purchased by concertgoers of all ages, are for performers that are age 60 plus!
